Rohit Mistry
Rohit started practising Bikram Yoga in early 2004 after a recommendation from a friend

and just after 6 months of practice, he began building more muscle tone, increasing his flexibility, and experiencing clearer skin. As his practice progressed over the years, Rohit also experienced mental benefits such as an increase in self-esteem. He also developed the ability to better deal with the stress of his corporate job and other aspects of his life.


Rohit likens each Bikram Yoga class to life
Stop thinking, just do it.

In mid 2006, Rohit was diagnosed with Stage 3 Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma which required him to undergo six rounds of chemotherapy. The first round left him feeling lethargic and nauseous, so Rohit decided to get back into the hot room after consulting his teachers and doctors, and continued his practice every day in between his treatments. Keeping up his Bikram Yoga practice helped Rohit remain in control, and gradually, the side effects from his treatments were kept at bay, helping him regain his energy.

As soon as Rohit was in remission in January 2007, he decided to become a Bikram Yoga teacher. He resigned from his corporate job, bought himself around the world ticket and attended his training in Hawaii in April 2007. Since then, he has been teaching full time across various countries such as New Zealand, England and now in Singapore. Rohit likens each Bikram Yoga class to life. Stop thinking, just do it.

Other Instructors in Singapore

Yujung Jeong
In October 2007, Yujung experienced her first Bikram Yoga class in Seoul, South Korea
Kathtip Tanpoonkiat
"What are all these people doing in this hot room? Are they crazy?"

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